Friday, January 30, 2009

Turtle: Taking the back when you opponent is Turtled

It is always important to remember that when you opponent is turtled that you need to keep you weight above his hips (unless he is turtled after your sprwal then you would have a front headlock position) otherwise he can roll back to guard.

Starting with you over you opponents hips....

1. Get one arm inside and grab your opp's forearm (for this example let's say your left arm)

2. Now circle the opposite way, to your right, to the side of his body and get your left knee inside his knee and his elbow. Your left foot is based out for balance.

3. Use that left knee to pull his elbow away from his body a little hook your right foot around his arm and circle back around towards his hips. This will pull his arm back behind him and it will be stuck between his own body and your leg. Now lock your instep around the inside of his ankle.

You are now back with your weight over his hips but his arm is now trapped.

4. Now roll to your left (the side that you have his arm trapped) and immediately get your left hook in.

5. From here you can either Pull your right foot down and lift your hips to put your opp in a straight arm bar


5. You can get your right hook in, which traps his arm inside your hook...making it much easier to finish the RNC bc he only has one arm to defend.

6. RNC

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