Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Side Mount Escape: The Running Escape

This is an escape to use if your opp is not controlling the opposite side of your body at all. For example if he is giving you shoulder pressure with his top arm and his bottom hand is reaching underneath your inside can not turn towards your opp at all, BUT you can turn away from him.

1. Turn away from your opp and:
-Cross your inside leg over your outside leg
-Keep your elbow tight to your hip
-Cross your arms (vampire defense) using one hand to pretect your neck and the other to protect your hip

As you do all of these things you want to be curled up into a ball as much as possible to give your opp no room to do any of things he wants to do (giftwrap, get a hook in, grab a collar, etc.)

2. Now you are going to run around in a circle, crossing your feet over each other like you are "running" (about 90 degrees) until your opp loses control of you........

3. Then just switch your hips, roll to your stomach, and get to your knees. You will most likely end up in an open or butterfuly guard (depending on how closely your opp follows you)

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