Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Guard: Double Ankle Sweep

This is a very very basic sweep but there is a detail that makes it harder to defend. When you opp stands up in your guard with his feet tight so you are able to grab his ankles...

1. Grab the back of both of his ankles

2. Open your guard and pinch your knees tight to his stomach

3. Pull on his ankles and push with your knees

4. Now when you sit up and go to mount your opp, do NOT just try to sit up straight bc he can just pinch his knees to stop you, then you will be in danger of ankle locks. So as you sit up, put one hand down on the floor by his foot and turn your hip in that direction as you mount.

**The defense to the double ankle sweep is for your opp to kick one of his feet forward and up, then bringing it back behind him

When your opp defends like that you can immediately transition to DLR guard or turn to the DLR hip push sweep.

**The other defense to this sweep is for your opp to drive his hips forward so you cant get the leverage to push him back. If he does this, continue to drive you own hips up all the way then snap your shins hard against the back of his arm pits to snap him back down into your guard.

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